Testimonials from Ultrasound CPD & training

“Thank you – I found the day very useful and appreciate you letting us run over into lunchtime as well! I have been trying to use the image improving skills so far this week and will keep practising.” Claire True, Hart Vets (Advanced abdominal scanning, January 2024)

“For me CPD can be quite challenging. I really struggle to concentrate and my focus span is really short that is why I aim the most for practical training. Sarah made this week of leaning really interactive and practical. During scanning she never took over. She patiently gave use practical instructions of how to get the view, ensuring we understood not just how but why too. The effort and dedication was amazing. On top of that her jelly pericardiocentesis and escape room was super funny but practical too! 100% would recommend her for not just practical but theoretical CPD too.” Sara Nieto Calo (Echocardiography week training, February 2024).

“I had the pleasure to attend an Echocardiography course where Sarah was the tutor. I have to admit I was surprised how good the course turned out to be! Sarah was always super patient when answering my sometimes silly questions [there are no silly questions, only the fool who doesn’t ask them and remains ignorant forever – Sarah] and made sure everything was well understood by us. I was impressed how good teacher she is! 😊” Alicja Chalupczynska (Echocardiography week training, February 2024).

“Amazing brownies, made my day! CPD obviously was even better than the brownies!” Heather van Zÿl, WellPet Vets

“The personalised touch is nice + found the CPD generally very helpful informative + fun. Thank you.” Wakana, WellPet Vets

“Loved the little ultrasound pocket book, have it already next to the ultrasound machine. Gives me that extra bit of confidence to use the ultrasound more often” Anonymous

“This is a really easy to use handy hint booklet. Great for reminding myself of things I should know.” Jo

“A fantastic learning experience, it was SO helpful.” Jake